Browse our most frequently asked questions about our software and your taxes.
At any time in 2018, did you and your spouse or common-law partner separate and then get back together? At any time in 2018, did you stop financially supporting your spouse or common-law partner or receiving support from them because you weren’t living together? Can I claim my pets on my tax return? Can I receive online notifications from the CRA instead of through the mail? Can I transfer my refund to next year’s instalment account - should I select Yes or No? Can I use H&R Block’s 2018 income tax software to do my 2017 taxes? Can I use my tablet or smartphone to do my taxes? Can I withdraw money from my RRSP under the Lifelong Learning Plan (LLP) for my spouse? Did you forget any of these commonly overlooked deductions and credits? Did you immigrate to Canada and become a resident of the country in 2018? Did you suffer from an impairment in mental or physical functions in 2018? Did your mailing address change this year? Did your marital status change in 2018? Do you have Canadian citizenship? How can I optimize my return? How do I avoid re-submitting a return that's already been rejected? How do I change a return that's already been assessed? How do I clear my cache? How do I clear my H&R Block cookies? How do I find my NETFILE confirmation number? How do I know if I need to prepare a T2 or not if I have a business? How do I know if I’m using H&R Block’s most up-to-date software version? How do I log into the 2018 software with my 2017 login? How do I login using my browser’s incognito mode? How do I make changes to my H&R Block account? How do I report amounts received or paid in foreign currency on my return? How do I review the information I downloaded from the CRA/Revenu Québec? How do I sign in? How does bankruptcy affect my return? How does the widget that links to the help centre work?